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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News

Publié le 10/09/2020 par Ruiz Carretero Amparo

Hydrogen bonds can efficiently guide the self-assembly of organic materials, enabling to tune the properties of the aggregation processes. In the case of p-conjugated materials, several parameters such as temperature, concentration and solvent can be used to modify the aggregation state while tuning the optoelectronic properties. Chirality can be included within the impacting parameters due to the differences in molecular packing. In this project we have designed and synthesized chiral and achiral thiophene-capped diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives containing amide bonds with the aim to study the interplay between chiral assemblies and their stabilization via hydrogen-bonding. Differences in aggregation properties were observed with spectroscopy and microscopy, and a contactless microwave-based technique was used to study their intrinsic charge carrier mobility. The positive role of hydrogen-bonding has been highlighted and the differences between chiral and achiral compounds have been elucidated. This work has been done in collaboration with the group of Prof. Shu Seki from the University of Kyoto and the SYCOMMOR group of our institute. Furthermore, it has been featured in the "Young and Emerging Investigators Issue 2020" of the Chemistry - A European Journal.

All the information about the article can be found here: