Institut Charles Sadron News

Publié le 08/03/2022 par Samokhvalova Svetlana

On the 16th of February we were pleased to hold an IUPAC Global Women Breakfast 2022 joining more than 400 other meetings happening that day to cherish the accomplishments of women in science and discuss the current challenges on the way to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DE&I). The meeting addressed the topic of DE&I with a great discussion lead by Dr. Mehdi Vahdati (PECMAT). This year we also drew attention to the mental health in academia with an open discussion started by the presentation of Svetlana Samokhvalova (CMP). We have covered such topics as mental load, work-life balance and how COVID-19 crisis is affecting women and other underrepresented groups in science. We are proud by the level of involvement into the meeting and contributions from students, post-docs, permanent researches, research-engineers and the future director of the institute Prof. Christophe Chassenieux. As well as this, the Egal’ITI committee of the HiFunMat platform was presented by Dr. Laure Biniek (SYCOMMOR). This committee is promoting gender equality in science and can be address by anyone via

We are thanking Quentin Bailleul (PECMAT) for chairing this meeting as well as Dr. Amparo Ruiz-Carretero (SYCOMMOR), Dr. Madeline Vauthier (CMP) and Dr. Fouzia Boulmedais (PECMAT) for helping to organize and promote the event.

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