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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News

Distinguished member of the SCF

Congratulations to Madeline Vauthier on her SCF “Junior Distinguished Member 2024” award!


How do pointy nanoparticles reshape?

Gold nanotetrapods evolve in two steps: their arms blunt out rapidly, before a slow retraction towards their final quasi-spherical shape.

Poster prize at the Biophysics School

Clément Marque received the Best Poster Award and gave a talk: Diffusion of a single colloid on the surface of a giant vesicle and a droplet

A research article on molecular motors published in Nature

ICS chemists publish an experimental study demonstrating how molecular catalysts and molecular motors can represent two sides of the same coin.

Winners of the FRMNGE 2024 Young Researcher Award

Congratulations to Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette and Alexandre Nominé, The two ex-aequo winners of the FRMNGE 2024 Young Researcher Award !

The GFP Jean-Pierre Pascault Prize awarded to Fouzia Boulmed

This year, the Jean-Pierre Pascault Prize of the Groupe Français des Polymères (GFP) was jointly awarded to Fouzia Boulmedais and Julien Nicolas.

Journées Nationales de Thermoélectricité à l'ICS

The JNTE of the Thermoelectricity Scientific Interest Group was held at the ICS from 20 to 22 November and brought together 50 scientists.

ICS coordinator of one of the 12 CNRS high risk projects

The ICS will develop green & chemically active architected fluids in collaboration with colleagues from Inserm & Universities Du Mans/Paris-Cité

« Molecules and Macromolecules in Motion » Symposium

On the occasion of the 2024 CNRS silver medal awarded to Nicolas Giuseppone, a symposium will take place at the ICS on December, Tuesday 10.