Institut Charles Sadron News

Microfluidics and Janus fibers

Preparation of Janus fibers by photopolymerization in microfluidics and dyes removal

Gallery of Soft Matter Award for bubbles & elasticity!

The poster "Bending Plateau's laws" received an award at the 1st edition of the "Gallery of Soft Matter", mixing art & physics!

IUPAC Global Women'sBreakfast 2022

On the 16th of February we were pleased to hold an IUPAC Global Women Breakfast 2022 joining more than 400 other meetings happening worldwide...

Application to the ITI HiFunMat Graduate School

Are you a BSc student, looking for an MSc degree and interested in material sciences in health, energy, & environment? Then ITI HiFunMat is for you!

Strasbourg Soft Matter Meeting

The second edition of the Strasbourg Soft Matter Meeting will take place in Strasbourg on June 2nd and 3rd 2022. It aims to gather soft matter physicists of the Grand Est region to provide a synoptic

Mussel-inspired design of enzymatic micro-biosensor

The development of enzymatic biosensors is crucial for the monitoring of pathologies such as diabetes or in the food industry.

Welcome to Christophe Chassenieux

Christophe Chassenieux has just arrived at ICS to start his research ativities, before becoming the next director of the institute.

Thermoelectricity: a record efficency for doped polymer semi-conductors

Thermoelectric materials can transform waste heat into electricity. Polymer semiconductors are easy to process using printing methods over large areas and thus applicable to design systems applicable

ICS emerging investigator in Chemical Communications

The work of Amparo Ruiz-Carretero, a researcher from the SYCOMMOR team, has been featured in the 2021 emerging investigators issue of Chemical Communications

Second prize for the best oral communication GDR2088 BIOMIM

On the occasion of the annual meeting of the GDR2088 BIOMIM, Jean-Yves Runser has been awarded the second prize for the best oral communication.

Jean-François Lutz, Fond’Action Alsace laureate

Jean-François Lutz has been awarded a 2021 Future Talent prize for his work on the discovery, development and commercialization of numerical polymers.

A bubble’s story

Wiebke Drenckhan, physicist, and Sébastien Kauffmann, bubble artist, gathered for the Fête de la Science, to propose you a video revealing the secrets of bubbles.