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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News


NEWCOMERS’DAY – Tuesday, November 26th 2024

Tribute to Jean-Claude Wittmann

In 1962, Jean-Claude Wittmann started to work at the Centre de Recherche sur les Macromolécules (CRM), which would later become the ICS

How artificial microswimmers penetrate cell membranes

Florent Fessler and Antonio Stocco, in collaboration with a team of chemists from the TU Dresden are proposing a new propulsion system

Chiroptical nanocellulose-based assemblies

Nanocellulose-based chiroptical films were assembled using a combination of layer-by-layer assembly and grazing incidence spraying.

Kids University by ICS PhD students

"Kid's University", a day of immersion for secondary school students in the world of university organised by the Jardin des Sciences

Poster prize of Soft Matter days

Mathilde Lescure was awarded the poster prize at the Soft Matter Meeting 2024.

Daniel Grande takes over the direction of the ICS

After more than 8 year, Christian Gauthier, Full Professor at Unistra, passes on the directorship of the ICS to Daniel Grande, CNRS Research Director.

Best oral communication at GDRB2i days in Mulhouse

Capucine Loth was awarded for the best oral communication at the GDR B2i Days 2024 in Mulhouse.

Faites de la Science at ICS - 2024

On the 25th of June was the "Fête du Labo", combining conviviality with scientific presentations.

Enhancing the stability in thermoelectric polymer thin films

Anion exchange helps improve and stabilize thermoelectric properties of oriented and doped films of polymer semiconductors

19th Scientific Day of the GFP-Section Est

On Wednesday 12 June, the ICS hosted the 19th Scientific Day of the GFP-Section Est.

Pierced: theory of elastocapillary bubbles on needles

Researchers of the ICS have established a theory which allows to predict the inflation of a bubble (drop) with an elastocapilallry skin on a needle