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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News


How do pointy nanoparticles reshape?

Gold nanotetrapods evolve in two steps: their arms blunt out rapidly, before a slow retraction towards their final quasi-spherical shape.

A research article on molecular motors published in Nature

ICS chemists publish an experimental study demonstrating how molecular catalysts and molecular motors can represent two sides of the same coin.

ICS coordinator of one of the 12 CNRS high risk projects

The ICS will develop green & chemically active architected fluids in collaboration with colleagues from Inserm & Universities Du Mans/Paris-Cité

« Molecules and Macromolecules in Motion » Symposium

On the occasion of the 2024 CNRS silver medal awarded to Nicolas Giuseppone, a symposium will take place at the ICS on December, Tuesday 10.

Tribute to Jean-Claude Wittmann

In 1962, Jean-Claude Wittmann started to work at the Centre de Recherche sur les Macromolécules (CRM), which would later become the ICS

How artificial microswimmers penetrate cell membranes

Florent Fessler and Antonio Stocco, in collaboration with a team of chemists from the TU Dresden are proposing a new propulsion system

Chiroptical nanocellulose-based assemblies

Nanocellulose-based chiroptical films were assembled using a combination of layer-by-layer assembly and grazing incidence spraying.

Daniel Grande takes over the direction of the ICS

After more than 8 year, Christian Gauthier, Full Professor at Unistra, passes on the directorship of the ICS to Daniel Grande, CNRS Research Director.

Enhancing the stability in thermoelectric polymer thin films

Anion exchange helps improve and stabilize thermoelectric properties of oriented and doped films of polymer semiconductors

Tuning the disorder in nanoparticle assemblies

The self-assembly of gold nanoparticles within cavities with different shapes yields supercrystals with complex inner structures.

A new CNRS Silver Medal at the ICS

Nicolas Giuseppone receives the CNRS Silver Medal 2024