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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News

Art contest

In an effort to improve the institute appearance, the QVT commission launched a competition to reveal the artistic talents of the ICS members.

Innovative bubble wipe

Innovative Foam-Based Cleaning for Historical Objects

A new lecturer at the ICS

Marina Pecora - New lecturer in mechanics of polymers

Decoding of digitally-encoded polymers in a protein nanopore

The PMC group of the ICS has described the decoding of digitally-encoded polymers in a protein nanopore.

HORATES ITN project on Thermoelectric Polymer and Hybrid Materials

Team SYCOMMOR will participate in a new ITN project exploring the thermoelectric effect to convert heat into electricity using organic materials

PhD Thesis Prize of the Education Commission of the GFP

On the occasion of the GFP webinar on November 19, 2020, the Education Commission of the GFP awarded its PhD Thesis Prize to Dr. Jennifer Rodon Fores.

Art & science of foams

A bubble artist and foam scientists join forces to improve their mastery of bubbles and foams.


The newsletter has arrived...

Soft Matter Experimentalist

We are looking to hire a junior permanent researcher (CR, CNRS) in experimental soft matter physics. Applications for first round before 20/08/2020.

Progressive re-opening of the ICS

After two months of closure due to Covid-19, the ICS opened its doors again since 11th of May 2020.

#Covid-19 : ICS closed

Following the sanitary crisis in France, ICS is closed.

IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2020

Next 12th of February the worldwide IUPAC event to support women in science will be celebrated at Institute Charles Sadron