Hydrodynamic instabilities, waves and turbulence in cell monolayers
Hydrodynamic instabilities, waves and turbulence in cell monolayers
Informations :
Type : Séminaire
Date : 2019-10-15
Heure :
Lieu : Amphithéâtre Henri Benoît
Titre : Hydrodynamic instabilities, waves and turbulence in cell monolayers
Conférencier : Carles Blanch-Mercader
Appartenance : Biochemistry Department, University Geneva
Invité par : Meyer Hendrik
Description :
Horaire: 14h15
Microscopic interactions among the material constituents shape macroscopic patterns.
Recent observations have shown that monolayers of cells exhibit a rich repertoire of
mechanical patterns, ranging from chaotic cell flows to propagating waves. However, our
understanding of how do cell parameters affect the underlying mechanisms of pattern
formation remains still in its infancy. Here, I will present a hydrodynamical description of
an active fluid with polar symmetry for understanding the 2D collective dynamics of cell
monolayers. At a critical level of activity, the ordered polar phase can undergo an
oscillatory periodic instability, leading to nonlinear waves. Akin to cell monolayers, our
system can sustain elastic-like waves with a phase lag between stresses and strain-rate
oscillations that depends on material parameters and substrate interactions. Near the
instability point, we found that the long-ranged spatiotemporal dynamics admits a
reduced description in terms of a Complex Ginzburg Landau amplitude equation. In the
last part of the presentation, I want to give an overview of some questions/ideas, aiming
to understand better the nature of the mechanisms giving rise to collective cell dynamics
in 3D.