Measurement of emission spectra (from 290 to 850 nm) and excitation spectra (from 220 to 600 nm) of solutions and films.
Hitachi SU 8010 Ultra High Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
Nom | Emplacement | Catégorie | Equipe | Responsable |
Ellipsometry | F136 | Caractérisation | MCUBE | Stocco Antonio |
Optical Tweezers | F142 | Microscopie | MCUBE | Stocco Antonio |
F246 | Caractérisation | PECMAT | Pauly Matthias | |
Confocal Microscopy | F142 | Microscopie | MCUBE | Muller Pierre |
Isothermal titration calorimetry | C125 | Caractérisation | MCUBE | Schmatko Tatiana |
Electroporation | F146 | Caractérisation | MCUBE | Muller Pierre |
RICM - Interference microscopy | F146 | Microscopie | MCUBE | Muller Pierre |
A337 | Caractérisation | PECMAT | Boulmedais Fouzia | |
A335 | Caractérisation | PECMAT | Boulmedais Fouzia | |
A335 | Caractérisation | PECMAT | Boulmedais Fouzia | |
A339 | Fabrication | PECMAT | Boulmedais Fouzia | |
A339 | Fabrication | PECMAT | Boulmedais Fouzia | |
A339 | Caractérisation | PECMAT | Boulmedais Fouzia | |
Static and dynamic light scattering | F136 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Schosseler François |
Numerical microscope Keyence | B255 | Microscopie | INCA | Drenckhan Wiebke |
Glove box | G116 | Fabrication | SYCOMMOR | Brinkmann Martin |
4 Probes- Resistivity and Seebeck measurements | G116 | Caractérisation | SYCOMMOR | Brinkmann Martin |
Rubbing machine | G120 | Fabrication | SYCOMMOR | Brinkmann Martin |
Discover SP - Microwave reactor | D307 | Fabrication | SYCOMMOR | Ruiz Carretero Amparo |
TGA | E349 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Legros Mélanie |
DSC | E344 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Saettel Herr Catherine |
Spectrofluorometer | E348 | Caractérisation | CarMac | De Maria Anaïs |
UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer Lambda 25 | E348 | Caractérisation | CarMac | De Maria Anaïs |
UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer Cary 5000 | E348 | Caractérisation | CarMac | De Maria Anaïs |
Dynamic light scattering and zeta potential | E348 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Legros Mélanie |
Capillary Viscosimeter | E348 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Foussat Catherine |
Differential refractometer | E346 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Legros Mélanie |
ELMO glow discharge system | G114 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
Edwards Auto 306 Evaporator | G114 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
SEC in THF n°1 | E346 | Caractérisation | CarMac | De Maria Anaïs |
SEC in THF n°2 | E346 | Caractérisation | CarMac | De Maria Anaïs |
SEC in organic solvent | E346 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Foussat Catherine |
SEC in polar organic solvents | E348 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Foussat Catherine |
SEC in aqueous solvent n°1 | E346 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Foussat Catherine |
SEC in aqueous solvent n°2 | E346 | Caractérisation | CarMac | Legros Mélanie |
Bruker Vertex 70 Infrared spectrophotometer | E350 | Caractérisation | CarMac | De Maria Anaïs |
Thin Film Pressure Balance | F046 | Caractérisation | INCA | Drenckhan Wiebke |
Numerical micromill | F050 | Fabrication | INCA | Drenckhan Wiebke |
Foam analyser (FOAMSCAN) | A159 | Caractérisation | INCA | Drenckhan Wiebke |
Sclerometer (instrumented scratch test apparatus) | G004 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Favier Damien |
Tensile machine | G006 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Favier Damien |
Dynamic tensile machine | G008 | Fabrication | Minamec | Favier Damien |
NanoIndenter - NanoScratch | G001 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Favier Damien |
Tribometer | G008 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Favier Damien |
Micro Tribometer | F144 | Caractérisation | MIM | Favier Damien |
Dynamic JKR | G004 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Favier Damien |
X-ray CT scanner | G014 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Egele Antoine |
Polarized Light Microscope | G112 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Carvalho Alain |
Pendant drop tensiometre (TRACKER TECLIS) | B255 | Caractérisation | INCA | Jacomine Leandro |
Rheometre | A159 | Caractérisation | INCA | Jacomine Leandro |
Tensiomètre (type Wilhelmy) | B255 | Caractérisation | INCA | Jacomine Leandro |
Foam analyser (FOAMSCAN TECLIS) | A159 | Caractérisation | INCA | Drenckhan Wiebke |
"Double bubble" experiment | B255 | Caractérisation | MIM | Jacomine Leandro |
Ion Milling System IM4000Plus | C129 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Carvalho Alain |
Scanning Electron Microscope | F134 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Carvalho Alain |
Cryo-SEM Preparation System | F134 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Carvalho Alain |
Sputter coater | G114 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Carvalho Alain |
DMA Mettler Toledo | G008 | Caractérisation | Minamec | Favier Damien |
ARES Rheometer | G008 | Caractérisation | Matte'Rheo | Vahdati Mehdi |
HAAKE MARS III Rheometer | C129 | Caractérisation | Matte'Rheo | Vahdati Mehdi |
Transmission electron microscope | G108 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
cryologies holder | G108 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
heating holder | G108 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
Cryo fracture device | G114 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
Carbon coater under primary vacuum | G114 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
Freezing machine | G118 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Schmutz Marc |
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) | H0-30 | Microscopie | PLAMICS | Contal Christophe |