Institut Charles Sadron Plateformes


The Carmac platform brings together different analytical techniques to characterize the chemical and physico-chemical properties of macromolecules, colloidal and self-assembled systems at the molecular scale. It is open to the academic community as well as to industrial partners for services and R&D contracts. It is operated by four CNRS engineers, assistant-engineers and technicians. The platform is ISO9001:2015 certified.



"DIFFERIX is an X-Ray diffusion platform, specialized in the structural study of materials and disordered systems. It combines small-angle and wide-angle measurements (SAXS, WAXS) to probe the matter from the molecular to the mesoscopic scale. The platform is opened to the scientific community as well as industrial partners for services or collaboration contracts."



La plateforme est spécialisée dans la caractérisation des propriétés des interfaces liquides. Les propriétés peuvent être statiques (énergie de surface, angle de mouillage, tension de surfaces, etc.) ou dynamiques (rhéologie interfaciale). En particulier, nous avons développé une expertise de caractériser des interfaces « complexes » pendant ou après adsorption d’agents interfaciales (tensioactifs, polymères, particules, etc.) ou sous réaction chimique aux interfaces (formation de capsules, etc.).



Matte’Rheo specializes in the characterization of the viscoelastic behavior of low viscosity to viscoelastic liquids and soft solids under controlled environmental conditions. This spans a wide range of materials including dilute polymer solutions, dispersions, oils, supramolecular and polymer gels, and adhesives.



High technology MICASOL platform at SOLEIL synchrotron for the study of the structure and behaviour of the materials, from the molecular and nanometric scale to the mesoscopic and macroscopic scale.



The platform of Micro and Nano mechanics give the access, to academic and industrial collaborations, innovative techniques of the ICS, developed to study the polymer surface properties with a specificity being the in-situ vision.



The platform (ISO9001 certified) has one scanning electron microscope, two transmission electron microscopes and the equipments for sample preparation. The platform has developed, among others, a unique expertise in cryo-microscopy.



The NMR platform is a site platform from the Cronenbourg campus and including NMR from the ICS, the IPCMS as well as from the LIMA. It possesses five devices allowing a wide range of experiments.
