Institut Charles Sadron Membre

Jean-Philippe Lamps

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  • Equipe : SYCOMMOR

Gel-to-gel non-variant transition of an organogel caused by polymorphism from

 nanotubes to crystallites. Philippe Mésini, Alain Carvalho, Samuel Zapien,

 Dominique Collin, Jérome Combet, Duncan Schwaller, Leandor Jacomine, Patrick

 Kekicheff, Benoît Heinrich, Nancy Diaz, J.-Ph. Lamps

 Accepté par Soft Matter (mars 2021).


PEDOT:PSS dried gels as promising bulk size thermoelectric materials : control of  

the porous structure through solvent drying techniques.

Quentin Weinbach, Alain Carvalho, Jean-Philippe Lamps, Dominique Colin, Laure 


Abstract présenté à la conférence EMRS de printemps 2021 (Strasbourg).


Design and Synthesis of Aniline-Appended P3HT for Single Step Covalent

Functionalisation of Carbon Nanotubes. Pierre Petit, Wasem-Klein Felipe, Jean-

Philippe Lamps, T.P.C. Rules, Matthieu Paillet, Jean-Louis Sauvagol.

Polymer Chemistry, 2020.


Structure of Nanotubes Self-Assembled from a Monoamide Organogelator.

Samuel Zapién-Castillo, Nancy P. Díaz-Zavala, José A. Melo-Banda, Duncan

Schwaller, Jean-Philippe Lamps, Marc Schmutz, Jérôme Combet, Philippe J. Mésini.

Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)  2020, 21, 4960.


Variable temperature NMR of organogels: how to map a phase diagram with a single sample

Advances in Engineering, 2018, Dec. 24th.


Variable temperature NMR of organogelators: the intensities of a single sample 

describe the full phase diagram . E. Christ, D. Collin, J. P. Lamps, P.Mésini

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20.


Improving the control of styrene polymerization at 60 ºC using a Di-Alkylated linear nitroxide. Yohann Guillaneuf, Jean-Philippe Lamps, Jean-Marie Catala, DidierGigmes, Eric Drockenmuller.

Journal of Polymer Science Part A : Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 50, 3750-3757.


From chain collapse to new structures: spectroscopic properties of poly(3-thiophene  

acetic acid) upon binding by alkyl trimethylammonium bromide surfactants.

I. Echavarri Franco, P. Lorchat, J.-P. Lamps, M. Schmutz, A. Schröder, J.-M. Catala, 

J. Combet, F. Schosseler. Langmuir, 2012, 28, 4815-4828.


Kinetic Study, by UV–Vis spectroscopy, on the strong effect of LiCl on the    

controlled polymerization of 2-bromo-3-hexyl-5-iodothiophene and 2-iodo-3-hexyl-5- bromothiophene: determination of the propagation rate constants, application to the synthesis of high molecular weight polydodecylthiophene.

Catala, J.M , Lamps, J.P.Macromolecules, 2011, 44 ,7962–7968.


Real Time Controlled Polymerization Kinetics of 2,5-Dibromo-3-decylthiophene Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy: Determination of the Reaction Rate Constants

Catala, J.M , Lamps, J.P.Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 7282-7284.


Quasi-controlled polymerization through a nickel catalyst process of a functionalized thiophene monomer: kinetic studies and application to the synthesis of regioregular poly(thiophene-3-acetic acid)

P. Vallat, J.-P. Lamps, F. Schosseler, M. Rawiso, and J.-M. Catala  Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 2600.


Poster GFP 2007

Polymérisation contrôlée de thiophène fonctionnalisé en présence d’un complexe de nickel: études cinétiques et application à la synthèse de poly(3-thiophène acide acétique) régiorégulier.

J.-Ph. Lamps,  P. Vallat, F. Schosseler, M. Rawiso, J.-M. Catala.


Brevet européen n°EP 1 611 172 B1 (délivré le 2/5/2007)                                                                              Procédé de préparation de poly(a-méthylstyrène).


Living/controlled radical polymerization of ethyl acrylate in bulk at 90 °C mediated by

β-sulfinyl nitroxides: influence of the persistent radical stereochemistry.

E. Drockenmuller, J.-P. Lamps, J.M. Catala  Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 2076-2083.


Living/Controlled Radical Polymerization of Styrene Mediated by Nitroso Compound: Kinetic and ESR Studies

J.-M. Catala, S. Jousset, and J. P. Lamps

Macromolecules, 2001, 34, 8654-8656.


Diblock copolymers, triblock copolymers and model networks synthesized by sequential anionic polymerization of styrene and 2,3-epoxypropylmethacrylate.

G. Hild & J. P. Lamps

Polymer, 1998, 39, 2637-2649.


Comments on a paper entitled “Synthesis and characterization of poly-(2,3-epoxypropyl)methacrylate".

G. Hild, J. P. Lamps, P. Rempp

Journal of Polymer Materials, 1997, 14, 99-101.


Chain transfer by addition-fragmentation mechanism, 8. Study of transfer agents designed to allow 1,5-intramolecular hemolytic substitutions.

D. Colombani, P. Chaumont, J. P. Lamps

Macromol. Chem. Phy. 1998, 199, 2517-2526.


Free-radical synthesis of functional polymers involving addition-fragmentation reactions. P. Chaumont, D. Colombani, L.Boiteau, J. P. Lamps, M.-O. Zink, Nair, C. P. R.,  D. Charmot, ACS Symposium Series  1998,  685 (Controlled Radical Polymerization),  362-376. 


Free radical syntheses of functional polymers involving addition-fragmentation reactions. P. Chaumont, D. Colombani, M.O. Zink, L. Boiteau, J.P. Lamps,  Nair, C. P. Reghunadhan D. Charmot.

 Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry)  1997, 38, 746-747.

Synthesis and characterization of model macromolecules including model networks derived from methacrylic esters.

G. Hild & J. P. Lamps

The Wiley Polymer Networks Group Review (13th Polymer Networks Group Conference, Polymer Networks 96, Colloque, Doorn, Pays-Bas, 1996).


Anionic functional polymers, triblock copolymers and model networks derived from 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate.

G Hild & J. P. Lamps

Polymer, 1995, 36, 4841-4850.


New developments in synthesis of star polymers with poly(ethylene oxide) arms.

D. Rein, J. P. Lamps, P. Rempp, P. Lutz, D. Papanagopoulos, C. Tsitsilianis

Acta Polymerica, 1993, 44, 225-229.


Synthesis and characterization of anionic 2,3-epoxypropyl methacrylate polymers and of related random and block copolymers with methyl methacrylate.

G. Hild, J. P. Lamps, P Rempp

Polymer, 1993, 34, 2875-2882.


Core-first synthesis of star polymers with potentially ionogenic branches

C. Tsitsilianis, P. Lutz, S. Graff, J. P. Lamps, P. Rempp

Macromolecules, 1991, 24, 5897-5902.


Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers containing poly(tert-butyl acrylate) blocks.

J. W. Klein, J. P. Lamps, Y. Gnanou, P. Rempp

Polymer, 1991, 32, 2278-2282.


Synthesis of poly(tert-butylacrylate) macromonomers.

K. Antolin, J. P. Lamps, P. Rempp, Y. Gnanou

Polymer, 1990, 31, 967-974.


Copolymerisation of Polyvinylpyridine Macromonomers with Styrene.

Rao, P. Ragunath; Lutz, P.; Lamps, J. P.; Masson, P.; Rempp, P.

Polymer Bulletin, 1986, 15, 69-75.


Wasem Klein, F.; Lamps, J.-P.; Paillet, M.; Petit, P.; Mésini, P.J. (2021), Synthesis of a Poly(3-dodecylthiophene) Bearing Aniline Groups for the Covalent Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes,Reactions,2(4) : 473-485 link

Schwaller, D.; Zapien-Castillo, S.; Carvalho, A.; Combet, J.; Collin, D.; Jacomine, L.; Kekicheff, P.; Heinrich, B.; Lamps, J.-P.; Diaz-Zavala, N.P.; Mesini, P.J. (2021), Gel-to-gel non-variant transition of an organogel caused by polymorphism from nanotubes to crystallites,Soft Matter,17(16) : 4386-4394 link


Wasem Klein, F.; Lamps, J.-P.; Raoui, M.; Paillet, M.; Sauvajol, J.-L.; Mesini, P.J.; Petit, P. (2020), Design and synthesis of aniline-appended P3HT for single step covalent functionalisation of carbon nanotubes,Polymer Chemistry,11(39) : 6319-6327 link

Zapien-Castillo, S.; Diaz-Zavala, N.P.; Melo-Banda, J.A.; Schwaller, D.; Lamps, J.-P.; Schmutz, M.; Combet, J.; Mesini, P.J. (2020), Structure of Nanotubes Self-Assembled from a Monoamide Organogelator,International Journal Of Molecular Sciences,21(14) : link


Christ, E.; Collin, D.; Lamps, J.-P.; Mesini, P.J. (2018), Variable temperature NMR of organogelators: the intensities of a single sample describe the full phase diagram,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,20(14) : 9644-9650 link


Guillaneuf, Y.; Lamps, J.-P.; Catala, J.-M.; Gigmes, D.; Drockenmuller, E. (2012), Improving the control of styrene polymerization at 60 degrees C using a dialkylated alpha-hydrogenated nitroxide,Journal Of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry,50(18) : 3750-3757 link

Franco, I.E.; Lorchat, P.; Lamps, J.-P.; Schmutz, M.; Schroeder, A.; Catala, J.-M.; Combet, J.; Schosseler, F. (2012), From Chain Collapse to New Structures: Spectroscopic Properties of Poly(3-thiophene acetic acid) upon Binding by Alkyl Trimethylammonium Bromide Surfactants,Langmuir,28(10) : 4815-4828 link


Lamps, J.-P.; Catala, J.-M. (2011), Kinetic Study, by UV Vis Spectroscopy, on the Strong Effect of LiCl on the Controlled Polymerization of 2-Bromo-3-hexyl-5-iodothiophene and 2-lodo-3-hexyl-5-bromothiophene: Determination of the Propagation Rate Constants, Application to the Synthesis of High Molecular Weight Polydodecylthiophene,Macromolecules,44(20) : 7962-7968 link


Lamps, J.-P.; Catala, J.-M. (2009), Real Time Controlled Polymerization Kinetics of 2,5-Dibromo-3-decylthiophene Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy: Determination of the Reaction Rate Constants,Macromolecules,42(19) : 7282-7284 link


Vallat, P.; Lamps, J.-P.; Schosseler, F.; Rawiso, M.; Catala, J.-M. (2007), Quasi-controlled polymerization through a nickel catalyst process of a functionalized thiophene monomer: Kinetic studies and application to the synthesis of regioregular poly(thiophene-3-acetic acid),Macromolecules,40(7) : 2600-2602 link


Drockenmuller, E.; Lamps, J.P.; Catala, J.M. (2004), Living/controlled radical polymerization of ethyl and n-butyl acrylates at 90 degrees C mediated by beta-sulfinyl nitroxides: Influence of the persistent radical stereochemistry,Macromolecules,37(6) : 2076-2083 link


Catala, J.M.; Jousset, S.; Lamps, J.P. (2001), Living/controlled radical polymerization of styrene mediated by nitroso compound: Kinetic and ESR studies,Macromolecules,34(25) : 8654-8656 link