Institut Charles Sadron Membre

Laurence Oswald

Poste actuel :

Depuis novembre 2010, je travaille à l’Institut Charles Sadron en tant qu’ingénieure d'études en techniques de synthèse chimique.

Expérience professionnelle :

             (responsable : Nicolas Winssinger)

             (responsable : Daniel Guillon)

Formation :

Sélection de publication :
liste complète publications

"Using nitroxides to model the ion mobility behavior of nitroxide-ended oligomers: a bottom-up approach to predict mobility separation"
I. Sergent, T. Schutz, L. Oswald, G. Obeid, J-F. Lutz, L. Charles, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 35, 3, 534-541 (2024)

"Conception and evaluation of a library of cleavable mass tags for digital polymers sequencing"
T. Schutz, I. Sergent, G. Obeid, L. Oswald, A. Al Ouahabi, P. Baxter, J-L. Clément, D. Gigmes, L. Charles, J-F. Lutz Angewandte Chemistry International Edition, (2023)

"Synthesis and sequencing of informational poly(amino phosphodiester)s"
I. Roszak, L. Oswald, A. Al Ouahabi, A. Bertin, E. Laurent, O. Felix, I. Carvin-Sergent, L. Charles, J.-F. Lutz, Polymer Chemistry,12, 5279-5282, (2021)

"Precise alkoxyamine design to enable automated tandem mass spectrometry sequencing of digital poly(phosphodiester)"
K. Launay, J-A. Amalian, E. Laurent, L. Oswald, A. Al Ouahabi, A. Burel, F. Dufour, C. Carapito, J-L. Clément, J-F. Lutz, L. Charles, D. Gigmes, Angewandte Chemistry International Edition, 60, 917-926, (2021)

"High-capacity digital polymers: storing images in singles molecules"
E. Laurent, J-A. Amalian, M. Parmentier,
L. Oswald, A. Al Ouahabi, F. Dufour, K. Launay, J-L. Clément, D. Gigmes, M-A. Delsuc, L. Charles, J.-F. Lutz, Macromoleules, 4022-4029, (2020)

"Photo-editable macromolecular information"
N. F. König, A. Al Ouahabi,
L. Oswald, R. Szweda, L. Charles, J.-F. Lutz, Nature Communications,10, 3774, (2019)

"Universal soluble polymer supports with precisely controlled loading capacity for sequence-defined oligomer synthesis"
L. Oswald, A. Al Ouahabi, C. Laure, J.-A. Amalian, L. Charles, J.-F. Lutz, Journal of Polymer Science, part A: Polymer Chemistry, 403-410, (2019)

"Optimal ATRP-made soluble polymer supports for phosphoramidite chemistry"
L. Oswald, A. Al Ouahabi, L. Charles, J.-F. Lutz, Chemistry - A European Journal, 3462-3469, (2016)

"Debromination of ATRP-made Wang soluble polymer supports"
L. Oswald, T. T. Trinh, D. Chan-Seng, J.-F. Lutz, Polymer, 341-347, (2015)

"Preparation of information-containing macromolecules by ligation of dyad-encoded oligomers"
T. T. Trinh, L. Oswald, D. Chan-Seng, L. Charles, J.-F. Lutz, Chemistry - A European Journal, 11961-11965, (2015)

"Synthesis of molecularly encoded oligomers using a chemoselective “AB + CD” iterative approach"
T. T. Trinh, L. Oswald, D. Chan-Seng, J.-F. Lutz, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 141-145, (2014)

"Synthesis and Characterization of Sequence-Controlled Semicrystalline Comb Copolymers: Influence of Primary Structure on Materials Properties"
S. Srichan, N. Kayunkid, L. Oswald, B. Lotz, J.-F. Lutz, Macromolecules, 1570-1577, (2014)

"Precision polyelectrolytes"
S. Srichan, L. Oswald, M. Zamfir, J.-F. Lutz, Chem. Commun., 1517-1519, (2012)

"Imaging of mRNA in live cells using nucleic acid-templated reduction of azidorhodamine probes"
Z. Pianowski, K. Gorska, L. Oswald, C. A. Merten, N. Winssinger, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 (2009) 6492-6497

"Induced ferromagnetic interactions in Langmuir-Blodgett films of an organic radical"
J.-L. Gallani, J. Le Moigne, L. Oswald, M. Bernard, P. Turek, Langmuir, 17 (2001) 1104-1109

"Complexation of fullerenes with dendritic cyclotriveratrylene derivatives"
J.-F. Nierengarten, L. Oswald, J.-F. Eckert, J.-F. Nicoud, N. Armaroli, Tetrahedron Letters, 40 (1999) 5681-5684

"Experimental investigations of a new TGBC mesophase"
A.C. Ribeiro, Ph. Barois, Y. Galerne, L. Oswald and D. Guillon, The European Physical Journal B, 11 (1999) 121-126

"Rigid rod conjugated polymers for nonlinear optics. 2. Synthesis and characterization of phenylene-ethynylene oligomers"
P. Wautelet, M. Moroni, L. Oswald, J. Le Moigne, A. Pham, J.-Y. Bigot and S. Luzzati, Macromolecules, 29 (1996) 446-455

"Conformational dependence of the quadratic hyperpolarisabilities of a series of push-pull diarylacetylenes: an experimental and computational investigation"
M. Barzoukas, A. Fort, G. Klein, A. Boeglin, C. Serbutoviez, L. Oswald, J.-F. Nicoud, Chemical Physics, 153 (1991) 457-464


Roszak, I.; Oswald, L.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Bertin, A.; Laurent, E.; Felix, O.; Carvin-Sergent, I.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2021), Synthesis and sequencing of informational poly(amino phosphodiester)s,Polymer Chemistry,12(37) : 5279-5282 link

Launay, K.; Amalian, J.-A.; Laurent, E.; Oswald, L.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Burel, A.; Dufour, F.; Carapito, C.; Clement, J.-L.; Lutz, J.-F.; Charles, L.; Gigmes, D. (2021), Precise Alkoxyamine Design to Enable Automated Tandem Mass Spectrometry Sequencing of Digital Poly(phosphodiester)s,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,60(2) : 917-926 link


Laurent, E.; Amalian, J.-A.; Parmentier, M.; Oswald, L.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Dufour, F.; Launay, K.; Clement, J.-L.; Gigmes, D.; Delsuc, M.-A.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2020), High-Capacity Digital Polymers: Storing Images in Single Molecules,Macromolecules,53(10) : 4022-4029 link


Konig, N.F.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Oswald, L.; Szweda, R.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2019), Photo-editable macromolecular information,Nature Communications,10() : link

Oswald, L.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Laure, C.; Amalian, J.-A.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2019), Universal Soluble Polymer Supports with Precisely Controlled Loading Capacity for Sequence-Defined Oligomer Synthesis,Journal Of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry,57(3, Si) : 403-410 link


Charles, L.; Cavallo, G.; Monnier, V.; Oswald, L.; Szweda, R.; Lutz, J.-F. (2017), MS/MS-Assisted Design of Sequence-Controlled Synthetic Polymers for Improved Reading of Encoded Information,Journal Of The American Society For Mass Spectrometry,28(6) : 1149-1159 link


Fiers, G.; Chouikhi, D.; Oswald, L.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Chan-Seng, D.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2016), Orthogonal Synthesis of Xeno Nucleic Acids,Chemistry-A European Journal,22(50) : 17945-17948 link

Cavallo, G.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Oswald, L.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2016), Orthogonal Synthesis of “Easy-to-Read” Information-Containing Polymers Using Phosphoramidite and Radical Coupling Steps,Journal Of The American Chemical Society,138(30) : 9417-9420 link

Oswald, L.; Al Ouahabi, A.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2016), Optimal ATRP-Made Soluble Polymer Supports for Phosphoramidite Chemistry,Chemistry-A European Journal,22(10) : 3462-3469 link


Oswald, L.; Trinh, T.T.; Chan-Seng, D.; Lutz, J.-F. (2015), Debromination of ATRP-made Wang soluble polymer supports,Polymer,72() : 341-347 link

Trinh, T.T.; Oswald, L.; Chan-Seng, D.; Charles, L.; Lutz, J.-F. (2015), Preparation of Information-Containing Macromolecules by Ligation of Dyad-Encoded Oligomers,Chemistry-A European Journal,21(34) : 11961-11965 link


Srichan, S.; Kayunkid, N.; Oswald, L.; Lotz, B.; Lutz, J.-F. (2014), Synthesis and Characterization of Sequence-Controlled Semicrystalline Comb Copolymers: Influence of Primary Structure on Materials Properties,Macromolecules,47(5) : 1570-1577 link

Trinh, T.T.; Oswald, L.; Chan-Seng, D.; Lutz, J.-F. (2014), Synthesis of Molecularly Encoded Oligomers Using a Chemoselective “ AB plus CD” Iterative Approach,Macromolecular Rapid Communications,35(2, Si) : 141-145 link


Srichan, S.; Oswald, L.; Zamfir, M.; Lutz, J.-F. (2012), Precision polyelectrolytes,Chemical Communications,48(10) : 1517-1519 link


Gallani, J.L.; Le Moigne, J.; Oswald, L.; Bernard, M.; Turek, P. (2001), Induced ferromagnetic interactions in Langmuir-Blodgett films of an organic radical,Langmuir,17(4) : 1104-1109 link