Institut Charles Sadron Membre

Thierry Roland


Rassloff, A.; Heitkam, S.; Dalongeville, G.; Gauthier, C.; Roland, T. (2020), FEM-simulation of gas diffusion in solid closed-cell porous materials,International Journal Of Solids And Structures,190() : 216-225 link

Merindol, R.; Diabang, S.; Mujica, R.; Le Houerou, V.; Roland, T.; Gauthier, C.; Decher, G.; Felix, O. (2020), Assembly of Anisotropic Nanocellulose Films Stronger than the Original Tree,ACS Nano,() : link


Dabo, M.; Roland, T.; Dalongeville, G.; Gauthier, C.; Kekicheff, P. (2019), Ad-hoc modeling of closed-cell foam microstructures for structure-properties relationships,European Journal Of Mechanics A-Solids,75() : 128-141 link

Khouya, A.A.; Martinez, M.L.M.; Bertani, P.; Romero, T.; Favier, D.; Roland, T.; Guidal, V.; Belliere-Baca, V.; Edouard, D.; Jierry, L.; Ritleng, V. (2019), Coating of polydopamine on polyurethane open cell foams to design soft structured supports for molecular catalysts,Chemical Communications,55(79) : 11960-11963 link


Kekicheff, P.; Dabo, M.; Dalongeville, G.; Gauthier, C.; Roland, T. (2016), ­Polymeric Solid Foams: Mi­crostructure, Topology and Defects Determined by High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography,Macromolecular Symposia,369(1) : 56-66 link

Pardieu, E.; Chau, N.T.T.; Dintzer, T.; Romero, T.; Favier, D.; Roland, T.; Edouard, D.; Jierry, L.; Ritleng, V. (2016), Polydopamine-coated open cell polyurethane foams as an inexpensive, flexible yet robust catalyst support: a proof of concept,Chemical Communications,52(25) : 4691-4693 link


Oezcelik, H.; Vrana, N.E.; Gudima, A.; Riabov, V.; Gratchev, A.; Haikel, Y.; Metz-Boutigue, M.-H.; Carrado, A.; Faerber, J.; Roland, T.; Klueter, H.; Kzhyshkowska, J.; Schaaf, P.; Lavalle, P. (2015), Harnessing the Multifunctionality in Nature: A Bioactive Agent Release System with Self-Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Properties,Advanced Healthcare Materials,4(13) : 2026-2036 link

Merindol, R.; Diabang, S.; Felix, O.; Roland, T.; Gauthier, C.; Decher, G. (2015), Bio-Inspired Multiproperty Materials: Strong, Self-Healing, and Transparent Artificial Wood Nanostructures,Acs Nano,9(2) : 1127-1136 link


Vergnat, V.; Roland, T.; Pourroy, G.; Masson, P. (2014), Effect of covalent grafting on mechanical properties of TiO2/polystyrene composites,Materials Chemistry And Physics,147(1-2) : 261-267 link


Jelliti, S.; Richard, C.; Retraint, D.; Roland, T.; Chemkhi, M.; Demangel, C. (2013), Effect of surface nanocrystallization on the corrosion behavior of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy,Surface & Coatings Technology,224() : 82-87 link

Roland, T.; Pelletier, H.; Krier, J. (2013), Scratch resistance and electrochemical corrosion behavior of hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti6Al4V in simulated physiological media,Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry,43(1) : 53-63 link


Mohammed, H.I.; Abdel-Fattah, W.I.; El-Sayed, E.-S.M.; Talaat, M.S.; Sallam, A.S.M.; Faerber, J.; Pourroy, G.; Roland, T.; Carrado, A. (2012), Influence of heat treatment on Ti6Al4V for biomimetic biolayer,Bioinspired Biomimetic And Nanobiomaterials,1(3) : 173-182 link

Mohammed, H.I.; Abdel-Fattah, W.I.; Sallam, M.A.; El-Sayed, M.E.; Talaat, M.S.E.H.; Faerber, J.; Pourroy, G.; Roland, T.; Carrado, A. (2012), Calcium phosphate coating on Ti6Al4V by autocatalytic route,Bioinspired Biomimetic And Nanobiomaterials,1(4) : 221-228 link


Roland, T.; Arscott, S.; Sabatier, L.; Buchaillot, L.; Charkaluk, E. (2011), Digital image correlation of metal nanofilms on SU-8 for flexible electronics and MEMS,Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering,21(12) : link