Institut Charles Sadron News

Publié le 29/01/2024 par Stocco Antonio

The ICS is a partner of a CNRS “Quality of working life” project (call 2023). This project focuses on equality as a determining factor for the Quality of working life.

The project involves the seven CNRS units of the Cronenburg Campus: ICPEES, ICS, IPCMS, IPHC, ICUBE, LIMA and Délégation Alsace.

Project title: Training on equality to create favourable working conditions in research. Coordinator: Valérie Caps (ICPEES)

Project summary :

The quality of working life is based in particular on professional equality between women and men. Promoting an egalitarian environment helps improving working relationships and collective productivity. This requires collective awareness among all staff to prevent and eliminate discriminations that create a hostile environment.

This project aims to support the training on Equality for all staff members in the Cronenbourg campus: level 1 trainings will be followed by all staff members, and levels 2 trainings will be followed by managers and non-permanent staff.

Link to the CNRS QVCT plan:

Link :