Institut Charles Sadron News

Publié le 05/07/2024 par Boulmedais Fouzia

Remise du prix à Capucine Loth

In the occasion of the GDR B2i Days 2024 in Mulhouse, Capucine Loth was awarded for the best oral communication of her doctoral thesis.

Capucine carried out her thesis at the Charles Sadron Institute in the PECMAT team (thesis defended on 5 April 2024) under the supervision of Fouzia Boulmedais and Delphine Chan Seng in collaboration with Lydie Ploux (INSERM U1121/ICS) and Florent Barbault (Itodys, Université Paris Cité) in the framework of a research project financed by the CSC graduate school of the University of Strasbourg. Her thesis was entitled  "Exploring hydrogels based on the self-assembly of a Fmoc-based tripeptide: physicochemical characterization and antibacterial properties".