“Cafés du BJC” – takes place at the ICS cafeteria every second Friday at 10 am. These moments enables you to interact with other ICS personnel and discuss while enjoying a coffee, tea and some sweets.
The Newcomers welcoming dinner – takes place during the month of November in a bar or restaurant at the city center and all PhD students and post-docs are invited.
The Pumpkins Carving to celebrate Halloween in a funny way and to decorate the cafeteria
The Christmas Party
The International Lunch set in the cafeteria, the goal of which is to bring and share a culinary specialty and celebrate the ICS diversity.
The Pancake Day in February to celebrate the Chandeleur together
A blind test in order to evaluate your musical knowledge.
The ICS day in June with some presentations of PhD students during the morning and some funny activities during the afternoon!
The football tournament because it is always good to have fun together while doing sport!