The flattened conformation of individual polyelectrolyte chains in LbL-assembled films was established by high resolution GISANS
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the French Physical Society, the ICS co-organised the organisation of a Masterclass for PhD students.
ICS is one of the 32 winners of the "Low-carbon" call for projects, with its 'Relamping' project to replace the neon lights in 20 laboratories with LE
The adventures of 6 young scientists - including A. Hourlier-Fargette (MIM team) - are compiled in a comic book for the 150th anniversary of the SFP.
TSP members report unprecedentedly large multi-lamella polyethylene crystals grown in molecular simulations, now published in ACS MacroLetters.
Quantum coherence has been achieved at room temperature in photoexcited chromophore-radical systems
A 3D fibrillar network of PEDOT:PSS can be transformed into macroporous honeycomb-like structure via the ice-templating method.
The ICS evaluated its greenhouse gaz emission for 2022 and continues its effort!
The M3 team showed that the classical pore formation model needs to be amended.
The Jardin des Sciences, in collaboration with the artist G. Deloizon, has released an interactive comic strip to promote the heritage of the ICS
Inspired by the structure of cicada wings, chitin-based coatings have been developed to prevent bacterial adhesion.
Amparo Ruiz-Carretero among the 2023 CNRS bronze medal laureates