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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News

Thermoelectricity: a record efficency for doped polymer semi-conductors

Thermoelectric materials can transform waste heat into electricity. Polymer semiconductors are easy to process using printing methods over large areas and thus applicable to design systems applicable

ICS emerging investigator in Chemical Communications

The work of Amparo Ruiz-Carretero, a researcher from the SYCOMMOR team, has been featured in the 2021 emerging investigators issue of Chemical Communications

Second prize for the best oral communication GDR2088 BIOMIM

On the occasion of the annual meeting of the GDR2088 BIOMIM, Jean-Yves Runser has been awarded the second prize for the best oral communication.

Jean-François Lutz, Fond’Action Alsace laureate

Jean-François Lutz has been awarded a 2021 Future Talent prize for his work on the discovery, development and commercialization of numerical polymers.

A bubble’s story

Wiebke Drenckhan, physicist, and Sébastien Kauffmann, bubble artist, gathered for the Fête de la Science, to propose you a video revealing the secrets of bubbles.

Pascal Mayer, former PhD student in ICS, receives the Breakthrough Prize

Pascal Mayer, a former PhD student from ICS, is rewarded the Breakthrough Prize for the development of a fast and affordable technique for DNA sequencing.

Hydrophobicity and gene therapy

Insertion of hydrophobic spacers on dodecalysines as potential transfection enhancers

Mature your PhD

Miguel Martinez Mendez is one of the three laureates of the 2021 edition of the "mature your PhD" challenge proposed by SATT Conectus.

Orbital motion in Soft Matter

Orbital motion at the micron-scale for self-propelled Janus colloids interacting with giant lipid vesicles

ICS bubbles at the

What could be better than art and the stage to defend scientific knowledge?

Fabrication of Oriented n-Type Thermoelectric Polymers by Polarity Switching

A collaboration between the SYCOMMOR team of ICS and researchers from the University of Tours (GREMAN and PCM2E) allowed to develop an innovative method to produce n-type conducting polymers

Plastic pollution: the hidden threat of oligomers

The introduction of polystyrene oligomers into lipidic membranes perturbates their phase transitions and properties.