Institut Charles Sadron News

Soft Matter Experimentalist

We are looking to hire a junior permanent researcher (CR, CNRS) in experimental soft matter physics. Applications for first round before 20/08/2020.

Progressive re-opening of the ICS

After two months of closure due to Covid-19, the ICS opened its doors again since 11th of May 2020.

Antibacterial Nanocoatings

An antibacterial nanocoating, non-toxic for human cells, has been developed based on polyphenols and collagen.

#Covid-19 : ICS closed

Following the sanitary crisis in France, ICS is closed.

IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2020

Next 12th of February the worldwide IUPAC event to support women in science will be celebrated at Institute Charles Sadron

Guanidinium as trigger of UCST

The UCST behavior of cationic comb polymers with pentaarginine side chains is attributed to the stacking of guanidinium groups.

A new class of supramolecular polymers discovered at ICS

After being used for more than sixty years in industry, it is only recently that triarylamine molecules have revealed their ability to form supramolecular polymers.


Researchers from the PECMAT and CMP teams have shown that digital information can be organized in three dimensions through thin multilayers (millefeuille) of polymers.

More efficient thermoelectric polymers

How to recover the waste heat, for example that of the human body, to convert it into electricity?

A new ERC at ICS

Wiebke Drenckhan obtained her second European Research Council grant (ERC Consolidator Grant, 2 M Euros, 5 years)

CNRS silver medal to J.-F. Lutz

For the presentation of the CNRS silver medal to Jean-François Lutz, the ICS organises a minisymposium on November, 26th (2018).

“Matériaux S3“ Project

“Matériaux S3- Phase1“ project is cofunded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.