Laboratory council
It is an advisory body composed of ex-officio members, elected members and appointed members. The director, ex-officio, chairs this body, which must meet at least 3 times a year to discuss various topics concerning the life of the laboratory. The term of office of laboratory council is 4 years.
Local Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee
Responsible: Director of the institute
It is a consultative body whose purpose is to contribute to the protection of the physical and mental health and safety of agents in their work.
Communication committee
Responsible: Wiebke Drenckhan
This committee, which includes a representative of each team/service/plateform of the laboratory, works on the internal and external communication.
Committee “Follow-up and professional insertion of non-permanent staff”
This commission is in charge of guiding doctoral and post-doctoral students working in the laboratory. It also ensures the welcome and training of newcomers to the common techniques of the laboratory. Last but not least, the committee encourages non-permanent staff think about their future professional integration.
Premises committee
Responsible: Olivier Felix
This committee is responsible for proposing internal rules concerning the organisation of the office and lab spaces. It is in charge of the allocation of offices and lab spaces to the staff of the institute.
ITA committee
Responsible: Director of the institute
This joint committee is composed of 3 members of the directorate and of the three elected C members of the laboratory council. It examines the possibilities for promoting IT agents and establishes propositions for their promotions and rankings.
Quality committee
Members of the quality cell: Léandro Jacomine - Mélanie Legros - Marc Schmutz
This committee which gathers thanks to the initiative of the quality cell, is in charge of taking deicisions linked with the quality procedure applied in ISO 9001 certified plateforms.
Committee « Quality of life and working conditions »
Responsible: Marc Basler
This committee is responsible for proposing actions that promote exchanges between employees and develop a working environment that encourages the well-being of everyone.
Link to their webpage here.
Scientific responsible: Emilie Moulin
The library of our Institute possesses around 2700 books and covers various domains in Sciences, in particular: physics, physico-chemistry, chemistry or material polymer sciences. This library is one of the components of the Common Documentation Service of the University of Strasbourg. Through its history, it is one of the most complete libraries in the area of polymers. To access it, please ask the keys to the reception.
Link to the webpage by clicking here.
Sustainable thinking tank
Responsible: Laure Biniek
This thinking tank had been created to follow the New York and Paris conventions on climate change, to help the institute in developing more sustainable activities. It aims to organize information seminars, to make regular greenhouse gas footprint evaluations, as well as to propose an action plan to reduce the institute footprint.
Bureau des Jeunes Chercheurs - BJC
Responsible: Laure Biniek
This bureau is mostly dedicated to non-permanent workers in the institute. It aims to create a human and scientific network through the organization of events. It is also involved in the different ICS committees to represent non-permanent staff.
Contact: and link to their webpage by clicking here.