Social security - Ameli

Ameli is the social security accessible to everyone legally and continuously living and working in France.
If you are coming from abroad, you have to request an account creation. You have to send a list of documents to Odile Lemblé, who will forward your information to the CNRS or the University of Strasbourg. Then, your employer will create an account for you on the employer’s platform. If your employer is the CNRS, you can download this list of documents here.
You can contact Odile Lemblé or your human resources department to get more information and help. Ameli also has a contact form if you have more specific questions.
Once you are assigned a social security number you can create an online account. In your account you can check your health care reimbursements, ask for a European health insurance card or to contact an advisor.
You can click here to know the reimbursement rates depending on the medical procedure.
It is important to declare a primary medical doctor (médecin traitant) in order to be correctly reimbursed.
If you go see a specialist doctor, your primary doctor has to write a letter addressed to the specialist so that the whole procedure can be considered as part of the standard care pathway. It also allows you to get the best reimbursement rate.
For more information on this subject you can check the ADDAL guide.

Sick leave

If your primary doctor prescribes you a sick leave, you have to strictly respect the time limits and follow the procedure described in this website. You have 48 hours (working days) to transfer a copy of section #3 (no medical information included) of your sick leave certificate. Send it through Ariane if your employer is the CNRS or to this email if your employer is the University of Strasbourg. You also have to send it by mail addressed to Odile Lemblé (non-permanent staff) or to Nadia Barkani (permanent staff). You can click here to know the reimbursement of your sick leave days.
For CNRS staff, when you are back at work, you have to fill in the document "Attestation de reprise de fonction" available in Ariane ("Paie" tab).

On campus health care

A prevention service is available on Cronenbourg campus. You should go see the occupational doctor at the begging of your contract. The contact information is available clicking here.
You can schedule an appointment if you have a work accident, health problems, you are pregnant or have problems in your working place.
The University has a medical and psychological center (CAMUS). You can schedule an appointment on its website completely free of charge.
For psychological problems, you can call the MGEN’s green number (free of charge): 0 800 130 000. You will discuss with a counselor. This phone call is confidential and its details will not be communicated to your occupational doctor.

Emergency contact numbers

In France the emergency contact numbers are:

  • European emergency number: 112
  • Emergency medical service in France (SAMU): 15
  • Police: 17
  • Fire brigade: 18
  • Emergency contact numbers for deaf and hard hearing people: 114 (fax et SMS)
You can find more details on what numbers to call and when here.