If you want to learn more about the institute and its history, please visit the “historique” web page. This page displays a summary of the history of the institute and milestone in the past century.
If you want to discover the different subjects studied, the teams, platforms and research partners, please visit the presentation web page. Please find also the organization chart on the following link.
Administrator: Philippe Choffel
To know who to contact for different services and requests (purchases, mission orders, welcome of newcomers,…) Please visit the web page "Service Administratif"
Different committees have been created to work on different specific subjects, such Health, Safety and working conditions. In each committee, staff members representing all profesionnal categories are present. You may find the different committees, their missions and the name of the person in charge in the instance du laboratoire webpage. The list of committee members is accessible once you are connected to the intranet, in the commissions et instances webpage.
If one of the subjects sounds interesting for you, do not hesitate to contact the responsible to join the committee!