
You can find a comprehensive description of the housing options in the ADDAL and MUI guides, especially about:

  • University housing (CROUS, doctoral school, international house, residences, etc.)
  • Private housing (students’ private residences, youth hostels, flat sharing, inter-generational accommodation, etc.)
  • Websites where you can search for housing
  • Contact information of Centre Euraxess (help for international researchers): euraxess.unistra.fr
  • Procedures to follow and requested documents
  • House insurances
  • Procedure to follow when leaving your accommodation
  • Terminology in French related to housing
  • Rental abuses and scams

Childcare and schooling

A list of childcare facilities is available at Les crèches.
You can find more information on the guide of Grandir S'épanouir.

A directory of schools and high schools in Strasbourg is available on the National education website. You can also find more information on the public service website about the procedures to follow according to your personal situation.