ICS seminars

Every Tuesday morning, seminars are organized in the institute for everyone. Most of the time, invited researchers are coming to talk about a specific topic, sometimes there are also people from the institute presenting.

It is strongly advised to come on a regular basis to learn and follow the different subjects of the different teams.

Please do not hesitate to contact the seminar team to give them propositions of speakers.

Seminars can also be watched via Zoom, thanks to a link sent a few days before the event.

You may also access the recordings of the seminars on the Youtube Channel of the institute, which we encourage you to follow!

Team seminars

Apart from the Tuesday's seminars, teams can also organize internal meetings or exceptional seminars.

Cafés vITaminés

« Cafés vITaminés » are meetings organized around a cup of coffee (or tea), for engineers and technicians of the institute. The goal is to tell them about research topics of the institute in a popularized manner.
If you wish to present or help for the organization, feel free to contact the organizing committee.


The « Bureau des Jeunes Chercheurs » (BJC) is a group of PhD Student, Post-docs and technical staff on short terms contracts who organize social events such as coffee breaks (with discussion) on Thursdays, Afterworks, or some Career events “Walk Toward the Future”. Their goal is to help you to have some insight for your future jobs and opportunities.

Please find all the necessary information on their webpage, their twitter or by sending them an email.